First Kill

The moment CJ finished his words the fight began both sides ran towards each other to fight.

The Goblins were already adapt to fight like this and were cold blooded to begin with so when the fight started they began to kill without any difficulty.

As Lucky have predicted the mobility became an issue the moment the fight started. 8 teenagers clashed against 8 Goblins but were killed within minutes as they weren't even able to defend themselves properly.

""""Aaaahhh"""" shouts started to come out from the kids and they started to run here and there to trying to save themselves but still two or three people died cause of the arrows struck by the two Archer's.

"Shit! these idiots" cursed Lucky and started to back away so as to not get caught in between them but looks like the luck have been angered cause of Lucky using him as a name. So just as he was backing away a black American or African whatever he was with the height of around 6 feet ran towards him and pushed him aside to clear the way cause of which Lucky fell on the ground.

"Aahh Motherfucker, peice of shit" cursed Lucky loudly which lead to him gaining the attention of a Goblin who was running around holding a dagger.

"Kekeke...hehe" he laughed maniacally and jumped towards Lucky holding the dagger in both hands to struck him with his full power.

Lucky rolled towards his right to save himself but didn't forgot what he had to do next. The moment the Goblin struck his dagger in the empty ground leaving his back open, Lucky used the Katar in his left hand and punctured the back of the neck of Goblin killing him.

"huff.... huff..." after his first kill Lucky didn't fell like puking as he already did so and was taking deep breath but saw one of the Archer goblin aiming towards him.

So he jumped towards the dead body of the goblin he killed and used it as a meat sheild to save himself. The arrow got stuck in the chest of the goblin saving Lucky's life.

He throwed the body to one side and saw that the Archer was getting ready to knock out another arrow so he used the ring sword in his right hand towards the Archer. The ring sword made a perfect parabola taking the Archer's head with it.

"Thank God, I used to play discus throw with my dog" Lucky said to himself. Seeing such a performance from an Earthling the audience started to cheer for them as well. But in actuality they were all supporting them cause they had put there money on them.

He hadn't even taken few minutes of rest when he heard a high pitched shout from a girl. When he looked at the direction from where the voice came he saw the same blonde girl that he saw when he woke up here.

"Aahhh shit" Lucky cursed and ran towards the nearest weapon stand to pick something up.

The blonde got her leg pierced by an arrow from the second goblin archer letting the sword goblin to get to her.

Just as the Sword goblin has reached the place where the blonde was lying Lucky had alao picked up the Bolas and was rotating it above his head with his full strength and finally throwed it towards the Sword goblin.

The Bolas covered the whole body of the goblin successfully capturing the sword goblin making it unavailable to move at all and so he fell on the ground trying to wiggle out of the bindings but Lucky didn't gave him that chance and ran towards him holding his Katar then stabbed him repeatedly.

"huff.. hufff....huff.... I am gonna change my name for sure" Lucky said while taking deep breath.

"Th-Thank you very much" said the blonde while holding her leg pierced by the arrow.

"It's alright" Lucky said and was going to help her with her leg but they heard a weird noise from there behind.

"Chiiiiiii hhiiig" the voice was very disturbing so Lucky turned his head to take a look only to curse again as he saw another goblin holding a small shield and short sword running towards him.

"Shit...., don't move keep lying and pretend dead" Lucky said and picked up the sword of the dead goblin and throwed it towards the goblin with the sheild and sword but it managed to deflect it with the sheild.

Seeing Lucky attacking him got the goblin more angered and he became more aggressive waving his sword towards him when he haven't even reached him.

"Ahh..... *sigh* if I survive this I am gonna fucking change my name" Lucky said while he started running towards his right with the goblin right behind his tail.

As he was running he saw a guy with ash brown hairs killing the last Archer goblin with a swift sword attack of his then moving back in the crowd without making any other goblin notice him.

"Why? God Why? wait are god even there???. Fuck whatever it is? Why is that even though that guy have also killed 3 goblins till now but not even once have the goblins gone after him but this is the fourth one after me" Lucky said while he continued running around with the goblin still following.

"Is it because that guy is more handsome than me that even the goblin doesn't want to damage that face of his" Lucky thought in his mind.

As he was contemplating on how to deal with this goblin he saw the black 6 foot tall teenager who pushed him down holding a mace not far from him and his eyes lit up.

"Oye blackie get out of the way don't ruin my eyes with yourself" Lucky shouted towards the black boy.

"What did you say?" the black teenager asked making a grim face.

"I said get out of the way blackie" Lucky said when he was just few steps away from the guy.

"M**********r" the black kid cursed and swinged the mace towards Lucky.

Lucky seeing the mace coming towards him smiled and dived down on the ground saving himself but the goblin following him couldn't save himself taking the mace on his face and getting it crushed by it.

The goblin was thrown 4 to 5 feet backwards after the hit. Lucky who was on the ground saw it crashed down and said "Wow, great shot man you can be a good hitter. Sorry for what I said earlier I myself like Will Smith more than Tom Cruise"

Only after hearing Lucky's voice did the Black teen came out of his stupor but was still shocked by what just happened.

Lucky picked himself up and said "Hey man are you okay"

"Yeah, I am fine just a little shocked that's all, by the way my name is Tony Lance" the black teen said.

"Oh Hii Tony it's Lucky who is really unlucky right now" Lucky said with utmost serious face but was treated as a joke by Tony making him laugh.