Oda Kamiya

"Who is your leader?" came an arrogant voice from up ahead.

The crowd around Lucky and the others opened up to let them see the person who spoke.

A Kid with black black hairs south east Asian features could be seen with a crowd of 40 people behind him which showed that he was the person who had asked that question earlier.

Oda Kamiya saw 5 Kids were sitting on the ground with there back against the walls as if they were taking rest. He showed clear disdain towards them thinking that even after the augmentation they were still tired which meant they weren't that much strong.

"Hmm why dose no one answered me? I am asking who is the leader among you?" Oda Kamiya asked once again.

No one replied but started to look towards the 5 boys sitting there. Seeing this action of the crowd Oda Kamiya knew that he judged them wrongly and once again looked at them carefully.

He then noticed that out of the 5 only 4 looked at him and that too for few seconds then didn't bothered to look at him anymore while the last person was busy flirting with a blonde who even for him was hot.

"So I noticed that the 5 of you seems to be the joint leader of this group" Oda Kamiya said as he walked towards them.

"No, we are not" Tony said

"Huh! What do you mean?" asked Kamiya

"We don't make decisions for anyone, they make them by themselves" James said.

"But they rely on you to help them which was completely seen from there reaction." said Kamiya.

"That's because we saved there lives in the previous battle that's all" Long Yi said.

"Well then this will be easier than I thought" Kamiya said and continued "My name is Oda Kamiya and my ancestor was Oda Nobunaga can follow me and I promise you that I will help you survive in this hell hole" by the end of the conversation he had started to smile thinking that he has gained more followers.

"These people following are they people from the same batch as you" Lucky asked finally looking towards the Kamiya guy.

"Yes, and I can tell you that we have the most people that survived in the fight earlier 42 hence I can assure you that I will protect you all as well" by the end of his conversation he had started looking towards Lucy.

"An average of 4 people fighting against a goblin and once a group kills there goblin they would join up with the others to kill there goblin, was that your strategy?" Lucky asked.

"Y-YES" replied a dumbfounded Kamiya.

"Then the 8 people who died should have been in the beginning when not everyone wanted to listen to you but just as those eight died you seized that moment to make them follow your plan. Nicely done I would say" Lucky said with a slight smirk on his face.

Kamiya's mouth was opened in O shape unable to comprehend how someone he just met figure out his battle plans but after few minutes he got his bearings back and said "Yes, whatever you said is right this shows that I have what it takes to be a leader and am capable of protecting you all if you listened to me"

"First I won't say a capable leader but more of a satisfactory general, second we won't be fighting in groups all the time so if someone wants to survive here than that person should have the strength to protect himself or herself" Lucky said.

"You!! Why are you trying to contradict me, do you want to fight with me for the position of the leader and don't talk about something that you don't know" Kamiya said as he pointed his finger towards Lucky.

Lucky scrunched his eyebrows while shaking his head "You power hungry bastard! don't tell me you didn't asked about the different Fighter Classes there are?"

"What Different Fighter Classes?" Kamiya asked with a question mark on his face.

Everyone from the same batch as Lucky sighed and shaked there head after Kamiya asked this question.

"Just go man don't irritate us we don't want anything with the power struggle of yours" Tony said.

Kamiya didn't wanted to give up easily and tried to sway the masses specially Lucy but no one listened to him as they knew that he was just a guy with no information about the truth.

"Hey would you stop! What will it take you to get out of our faces" Steve spoke as well clearly showing that he was irritated as well.

"That blonde" Kamiya said while looking in Lucy's direction.

"*sigh* Fine if that's what you want" Lucky said while sighing then looked at his right and saw Lucy looking towards him in shock.

Lucky didn't explained anything to her and said "Go Eddie sacrifice your self for us and the greater good, the Kamiya guy wants you" to the guy standing on his right who had full blond hair and white skin making him a handsome teenager.

"What!!?? No Never" Eddie shouted

""""""Hahahaha""""""" Everyone started laughing at that while Kamiya's face was red in shame.

Lucy also laughed and sighed in relief that she didn't trusted the wrong person.

"You!!??" Kamiya said while pointing his finger at him.

"You what!!?? Shut up and get lost no one here wants to follow you and if you stay here for long you may loose those behind you as well" Lucky said roughly.

Kamiya looked behind him and saw that some of the people were having second thoughts so he decided to take them somewhere else and placate them so as to not defect from him.

Kamiya then once again gave a nasty look towards Lucky and took his people out of there to one corner and started his manipulation once again unknown to him that once the truth of the fighter classes come out he will loose a lot of them.