Shorter end of the stick

The dark eyes of Soohyun glared harshly at Minhyun whilst she rubbed the ice on her swollen lips. Would it have killed him to show some mercy to someone who is inexperienced?

Nonetheless, instead of making Soohyun give up, it got her more encouraged to defeat Han Minhyun. Very rarely did she meet opponents, who were up to her level this days.

She was determined to make those luscious lips of his bleed until he begged her for mercy and proceed on to torturing his body. This man did not understand what gratefulness mean!

She risked her life only to bring him lunch at his office yet being an ingrate, he tortured her lips. Now, that he was done eating her lips, he even ignored her for his work.

The only reason she did not curse out to him aloud was because she was fearful that he wouldn't allow her top him then.

Touching her flat tummy, Soohyun realised that she was starving. She was too scared to go outside to buy food, and therefore, looking at the lunchbox in front of her, she decided upon finishing it up.

'Since he doesn't want it, I have no problem eating it up.'

Opening the lunchbox, she took out the sandwich and bit into it. Satisfaction filled her when the food entered into her stomach, and she resisted out a moan.

'See, my food is extremely delicious. Too bad, he is missing out on them. He'll be crying one day on how he rejected this wonderful sandwich.'

"Can you leave now?" Minhyun questioned without raising his head up from the documents.

'Can I throw my shoes at him this moment!? This bastard is clearly seeing how I just started eating yet he wants to kick me out! Hell, I'm leaving right now!'

Pulling on a sickly sweet smile and trying hard to not shoot daggers, Soohyun stated, "Hubby, you rarely come home, and I don't get chances to meet you. So, I have to take advantage of every second I get."

"Do you really not want to get up from bed for days?" Minhyun questioned.

'Threatening me again! First that Minnie and now, you! Is this some kind of trend? Who is going to be the third person to threaten me?!'

"Hubby, your care and warmth is what I anticipate for," Soohyun replied— her voice sounding stiff.

Seeing how his expression almost turned into a sneer, Soohyun understood that he was having fun with this. Subconsciously, Soohyun glared at him.

'Having enjoyment from this? Of course, you'll be having that since I'm at the shorter end of the stick, but one day, I'll rise up. That day, I'll be one laughing at you and that Minnie!'

His lips curving up to a smirk, he voiced out, "Then, I'll be returning to tonight."

Although Soohyun was happy to get a chance to top him, due to the tone he used, her radar for detecting danger flashed the red light.

'Why do I feel so much scared suddenly?'

That's when, the door to his office opened, and when Soohyun turned her head to see who it was, she could not control herself from letting out an audible gasp.

'What was the female lead doing here?'