Acting so frustrating

Standing outside of Minhyun's study room, Soohyun softly knocked upon his door. Since Minhyun did not come at home much, she had to grasp this opportunity.

"Come in."

Hearing that, Soohyun did not waste a second to open the door, and she entered into the room with that sweet and innocent smile on her face.

"Hubby, you must be tired after such a long day at work," Soohyun voiced out, feigning concern in her tone. True to his words earlier, Minhyun returned home.

Walking seductively yet gracefully— something she practiced hours for in her bedroom— she placed the cup of tea above his desk.

Gulping, Soohyun cheered herself inwardly as she garnered courage to approach Minhyun. How could a mere mortal exude such deadly aura? If it wasn't for her high resistance, she would have fainted.

Tracing her finger on his hand, she bent down to his ear level, and blowing softly, Soohyun whispered, "You should stop working and taste the tea I made for you."

'I'm suing the entire drama cast if this doesn't work; They shouldn't be showing things that has no use in reality."

Releasing that breath, Minhyun closed down the document in his hand and put down the pen. Turning towards Soohyun, Minhyun wrapped his hand around Soohyun's waist and pulled her on to his lap.

Soohyun let out a yelp.

This was unexpected; Nonetheless, it was in Soohyun's favour. However, now that she was on his lap, what should she do?

'I'm sure it's in the line of whispering something seductive into his ear. But what is seductive? Pick-up lines? Remember, Soohyun remember, which was the pick-up line you used on your boss' secretary?'

Before Soohyun could open her mouth, a warmth breath hit her neck, causing tingles to go throughout her body, and she held in her urge to laugh out. Moon Jiwoo's body was too ticklish.

"What do you want me to taste— tea or you?" Minhyun enunciated.

With shocked expression, Soohyun raised her head up to look at Minhyun's face. A devilish smirk sat upon his face whilst there was a twinkle to his eyes. His tongue brushed against his lips. Soohyun felt her heart skip a beat.

"Wow." That was what left Soohyun's mouth.

'This Han Minhyun is good! Who would have thought of him as a aloof man? Hell! The author should've been better with her description! But I can't lose to him.'

Trying to give him a sultry stare, Soohyun stated, "I'll give you a choice today; Go for which is tastier."

'Eh...That came out lame. I swear, he has some powers to make me pathetic in front of him."

Inwardly glaring at him, Soohyun scanned Minhyun's expression and tried to guess his answer. Most likely, he'd choose her since he showed no resistance to her advances.

"I gave you the chance."

Stating that, Minhyun removed his hand from her waist and put her off his lap, surprising her. She didn't expect this to happen.

Taking the cup of tea from his table, Minhyun took a sip out of it.

This time, Soohyun did not hide her glare.

'Why is he acting so frustrating!?'