At the poorest state

"Is that really the case?" Minhyun arched his eyebrows. 

Seeing how Minhyun responded to Soohyun with no malice intensified the shock everyone present there felt. How did someone like Moon Jiwoo managed get such treatment from Minhyun.

"Are you really doubting me, Hubby?" Soohyun leaned closer to him and pecked on his cheeks. 

Everyone could not believe the drama that was unfolding in front of them; It was more entertaining than most of those dramas shown behind the screen.

"You're the only one for me, Hubby," Soohyun voiced out, "Is there anyone more excellent out there?"

"Does this mean that you're indirectly telling me you won't choose me if I wasn't this excellent?" An amused expression sat in his eyes while he stared at Soohyun.

The man that stood beside Minhyun had his jaw-dropped and his eyes widened. Was this really the impassive man he talked about the deal with earlier?

The smile on Soohyun's face was showing signs of crack, and it turned stiff. This did not go unnoticed by Minhyun and made him more entertained.

'Why are you being this difficult, Hubby, in front of the public?! But I must say, Hubby, you're really unique. Those males in the drama get easily pleased by this line.'

"For someone like you, Hubby, is it possible to be not excellent? Even at the poorest state, you will be excellent," Soohyun responded.

'See that? I'm not that easy to beat!'

"Then, I'll show you how excellent I am tonight," Minhyun voiced out, patting Soohyun's head as if she was a little kid.

"Let's go home now," Minhyun added.

Home? Most there almost fainted hearing after that. The infamous Moon Jiwoo was actually married to the Han Minhyun and staying at his house?

Everyone started typing away on their phones secretly while some, with a courageous soul, made a video of the entire situation. 

'Does that mean it's a pass? Yay!'

Soohyun felt a smile form on her face.


That smile formed on her face way too soon at that time. As her back killed her, she understood the true meaning behind his words, and closing her eyes tightly, she wanted to cry out to someone when the pain did not subside.

At this rate, she will lose her life sooner or later. Too merciless— That was what that Minhyun was. Moreover, she wasn't his enemy and in fact, his wife! 

"Just because you're his wife, he did it," Minnie reminded.

'Who told you to talk now? You useless piece of shit! Not only you don't give me any advice, but also you increase my problems!'

Soohyun cursed back in her mind as Minhyun was still in the apartment, cooking their breakfast. This was the first time Minhyun stayed home to cook breakfast, and Soohyun was pleased about it.

"Really? You acted as if you're addicted to his body last night. You know, when you saw no chances of you topping, you could have just said him to stop.

He wasn't exactly forcing himself. Everytime you complain when you reality you like it," Minnie stated.

A light pink blush coloured Soohyun's cheeks when she recalled about last night's event, and then, fury soon rose within her. One of these days, she was going to get a proper hold on him, and she had a good feeling that day was really close. 

'Yah! You stupid Minnie! Anyways, where's that reward you were talking about? Don't tell me that you're fooling me!'