You were patient

All the fun and joy Soohyun felt disappeared in that instant, and a frown formed on her face as she noticed Han Minhyun walk in.

'What was he doing here?'

Recalling how he warned her earlier, the hair on Soohyun's body stood up, and fright grew within Soohyun. 

This villain was capable of everything, and Soohyun had to disappear from here before he could catch a sight of her.

"I'll have to go to the washroom urgently. Catch with you later," Soohyun lied.

Turning on her heels, she was about to run away when Han Jaehee called, "Han Minhyun-ssi, come over here."

Minhyun turned towards the Han couple, and his gaze sharpened when he noticed Soohyun's back.

As much as Soohyun wanted to curse at Jaehee for calling him over, Soohyun was aware that this wouldn't be to her advantage, and she should disappear as soon as possible.

"Your wife is here as well," Han Jaehee added.

This time, Soohyun wanted to bang the old lady's head against the wall and cry out to her. Was this actually karma?

Knowing that it was no use hiding anymore, Soohyun turned back whilst wearing a stiff smile on her face. For some unknown reason, it was difficult to imitate a genuine smile.

Minhyun stood beside the Han couple, and everyone's eyes were directed at them— curious to see what will be happening next.

Putting on an innocent and cute expression on her face as if she wasn't caught disobeying, Soohyun stepped towards Han Minhyun and pouted.

She, then, voiced out, "Hubby, you made me wait here for so long? What made you this late?"

Soohyun's expression bought surprise to everyone. No one expected that an arrogant girl like Moon Jiwoo to have such a loveable side. 

Looking at Jiwoo now, it would make everyone willing to say few sweet and consoling words to her.

This skill of Soohyun's was perfected for she had to use it when it came to persuading her big boss for the increase in payment, and few times, it was effective.

"You're patient," Han Minhyun answered. 

Although those words of his were said with nonchalance, Soohyun felt chill go down her back, and she could feel her death nearing.

"I'll make sure to reward you," Minhyun voiced out whilst patting Soohyun's head.

To others, this appeared to be an action, which showed affection. However, Soohyun felt as if a brick of hundred tonnes fell on her head.

'This reward wouldn't be any close to an actual reward! I'm sure of it!'

"Congratulations on your marriage, Han Minhyun-ssi!" Han Minseok voiced out.

"It seems that both of you have a loving relationship!" Han Jaehee spoke out.

Minhyun simply nodded, and Soohyun smiled at the Han couple. 

Soohyun was kind of resentful towards Han Minhyun for because of him, she couldn't relish the fun entirely.


As both of them walked into their apartment, Soohyun could feel the pressure in the room rising, and Soohyun's body trembled due to fear.

As Minhyun locked the door behind him, Soohyun nervously stared at him whilst thinking of what he could possibly do to her.

"Minhyun-ah, how was your day today? I missed you so much and—"

Minhyun turned back, and his eyes stared at Lee Soohyun intensely. Soohyun gulped and was in a lost of words.