Make dream come true

Opening her eyes gradually, Soohyun saw the handsome face in her dream in front of her, and a wide, silly smile spread on her face.

Thinking that this was still her dream, Soohyun forward her hands and pinched Minhyun's cheeks. 

"Weren't you shirtless? Why are you wearing a shirt now?" Soohyun questioned.

Minhyun slapped her hands away from his cheeks and, sternly, voiced out, "Get up, Moon Jiwoo!"

"Ouch! It hurts!" Soohyun whined whilst shaking her hand back and forth.

The pain was enough to get Soohyun to be wide awake, and widening her eyes in realization, Soohyun let out a gasp.

'You fool! What did you just do?!'

"Hubby, you look strikingly handsome even after waking up," Soohyun, with a cough, commented, "That's why, I couldn't resist touching your cheeks."

Minhyun stared at her incredulously.

Feeling the metal against her leg, Soohyun recalled on how Minhyun put shackles on her last night. Whilst cursing at him internally, she wore a surprised expression.

Removing the blanket off her leg, Soohyun noticed the shackles on her leg, and she let out a gasp.

"Hubby, when did this happen?" 

Staring at Han Minhyun with widened eyes, Lee Soohyun waited for his reply. Having shackles on felt irritating to Soohyun, and she wanted for Minhyun to remove them immediately.

"You're being too naughty yesterday; This was your punishment," Han Minhyun replied.

The entire night, Soohyun couldn't sleep in comfort for her legs were being restrained, and she couldn't moved them at her will.

Soohyun pouted, and lowering her point of sight, Soohyun stared at the white bedsheet as she tried to feign a pitiful look.

"Hubby," She softly spoke out, "What did I do?"

His lips curved to a mocking smirk as he opened his mouth to voice out, " about I don't let you out of those shackles until you guess the correct answer?"

Soohyun's eyes widened more in horror as she absorbed in his words, and if it wasn't for the fact that she needed to seduce him or he was a powerful man, he would've ended up with a broken nose.

Already she had pointed out to him that she had no idea on how legs got shackled— although that's a lie. Despite of that, he wanted her to give her the answer to why she was shackled by him.

'You lock me in the house, I said nothing. But now you want to restrain me from walking? Han Minhyun, I'll make that dream of mine come true for sure!'

"Hubby, I really don't know the reason. Please don't trouble me in this way," Soohyun voiced out whilst staring at Han Minhyun with pleading eyes.

Soohyun was scared of what Han Minhyun would do when he learns that she was seducing him deliberately yesterday. 

Han Minhyun could have a doubt in this matter— the possible reason behind why she was being asked this— but Soohyun was not going to confirm this doubt.

"Then, stay locked for your entire life," Minhyun voiced out. 

Removing the blanket from his legs, Han Minhyun was about to get down from the bed when Soohyun jumped forward and held on to his hand as if her life depended on it.

"Wait! Hubby, I really don't know. Where are you going?" Soohyun voiced out.

'Don't leave me here alone with my legs restrained.'

"To work," Minhyun answered.

Looking at the door in front of her, an idea came in Soohyun's mouth, and she spoke out, "Washroom! Hubby, my bladder is full, and I desperately need to go to the washroom."

"Okay," Minhyun answered.

Soohyun almost smiled until Minhyun added, "I will carry you and take you there."

'And watch me do my business? Hell no! I don't need that.'

Soohyun gave an awkward smile.

"It seems that there is no use for it anymore. I can hold it for few more hours."

Minhyun did not persist on this matter, and he nodded.

"Leave my arm now; I have work to do go to," Minhyun spoke out.