Related to the mafia

"Hubby, about the question from earlier," Soohyun nervously voiced out, "I found the answer."

Looking at Lee Soohyun with a nonchalant expression, Han Minhyun waited for Lee Soohyun to continue.

"You are related to the mafia, and uhm, you warned me to not go out because of my safety," Lee Soohyun stated whilst sounding unsure of her answer.

Although Lee Soohyun's acting skills seem to have no effect on Han Minhyun, that did not stop her from applying them. Luck could be on her side one day, and Han Minhyun might be influenced by her acting skills. 

Her eyes feigned adoration, and her current expression made it seem as if she was touched by Han Minhyun.

"Hubby, I didn't know you care about my safety that much. Although you act cold-hearted, a part of you is still warm for me," Lee Soohyun expressed with a slight smile on her face.

"Aren't you misunderstanding something?" Han Minhyun questioned.

'Fuck! Don't tell me my answer was wrong! If it is something else, then, my chances of going to work tomorrow equal to zero.'

"My heart is not warm for you. It's not that I care about you; It's the troubles you'll be bringing me with your death," Han Minhyun clarified.

Lee Soohyun let out a cough.

'Wow! You truly deserve the title of a villain. I applaud towards you.'

"Ah! Is that so? I suppose I have guessed wrong on that part," Lee Soohyun voiced out awkwardly, and pretending to be embarrassed, she stared at the ground.

Raising her line of sight and feigning to be demure, Lee Soohyun asked, "Am I allowed to go outside now?"


"Moon Jiwoo, that arrogant bitch, accepted it?" 

Seated upon a red coloured couch was Hwang Hyunae. Her nails were painted in a shade of blue, and a royal blue, short dress was worn by her, making her look seductive.

Crossing her legs, Hwang Hyunae held the phone against her ears with a surprised expression on her face. That surprise gradually changed to amusement, and her lips curved into a smirk.

Twirling a few strands of blond hair around her index finger, Hwang Hyunae spoke out, "Nonetheless, this is not a bad thing."

"Hyunae, you need to be careful though. With her being Han Minhyun's wife, she is more powerful than before. Even tabloids are afraid of spreading rumours on her," A voice from the other side pointed out in a concerned tone.

"Han Minhyun's wife? That's just a mere title. If she had his support, she wouldn't have accepted such a measly role. After the drama is out, everyone can truly see how much Han Minhyun actually cares for her."

Hwang Hyunae scoffed.

After the humiliation she had received from Moon Jiwoo's last life, she was desperate for a chance to mortify her and make her cry.

Recalling those trainee days, Hwang Hyunae gripped the couch tightly. Hearing the door in front of her open, Hyunae hung up the call. Placing the phone down on the couch, she placed a sultry smile upon her face.

A male in his mid-forties stepped into the room, and when his line of sight fell upon Hyunae, Hyunae tucked back her bangs behind her ear.

She was stronger than Moon Jiwoo now. This time, the one bowing will be Moon Jiwoo.