Curiosity killed the cat

The shoot for Lee Soohyun's scene was over, and her acting skills managed to bring surprise to many. Although Jiwoo's abilities were not upto the level of top stars, this was the first time they had seen Moon Jiwoo act so well. 

All the staff were wrapping up and giving each other their goodbyes. Lee Soohyun made sure to bow down to all the seniors in this industry and leave a good impression on each one of them. Connections were the most important thing no matter which industry it was.

"Unnie, I had a fun time working with and have learned a lot of things," Soohyun voiced out after she stood up straight from bowing.

The actress smiled at her politely and before the actress could say something, Lee Soohyun's phone rang. Taking the phone out of her pocket, Lee Soohyun noticed that the call was from her husband, Han Minhyun.