Stop ogling

The atmosphere between them calmed down considerably, and Han Minhyun's face was covered by nonchalance again. Lee Soohyun stared out of the window whilst trying to spot something interesting.

Realizing that they were not going in the direction of their home, Lee Soohyun turned her head to face Han Minhyun. His side profile when he was concentrating on driving looked extremely captivating to Soohyun. 

The thin red lips of his appeared tempting to Soohyun, and subconsciously, Soohyun licked her own lips. Although cold and expressionless men were not Lee Soohyun's type, she knew that there was more to Han Minhyun than that side. Spending time with him was not as boring as Lee Soohyun originally thought it would be.

"Stop ogling at me and say what you need," Han Minhyun said.