Isolated and unneat

As the gate in front of them opened, Han Minhyun and Lee Soohyun walked into the compound surrounding the mansion. Dry leaves were on the ground beneath her, and tall trees were present in both sides of hers.

A full moon peeked through the clouds in the sky, and the dim lighting around her was enough for Soohyun to make an outline of the things. Subconsciously, Lee Soohyun moved closer to Han Minhyun, and both of their arms were touching.

"Hubby, aren't you rich? Then, why does this mansion look so isolated and, uhm, unneat?" Soohyun questioned— finding it hard to use proper words to describe the state of the mansion without potentially offending or angering Han Minhyun.

Before Han Minhyun could give an answer to Lee Soohyun, Soohyun stepped on a twig. The twig snapped, producing a noise. Hearing that, Lee Soohyun jumped and held tightly on to Minhyun's hand. Hiding her face into Minhyun's shoulder, Soohyun shivered.