You scaredy cat

Lee Soohyun was in no mood with the boy's words, and opening her mouth, Lee Soohyun yelled out, "Is there anyone out there? Help me! I'm stuck at here! Help!"

"Stop yelling! It's seriously annoying," The boy voiced out, "Han Minhyun will notice you gone and come to search for you here, you scaredy cat. I can't believe a man like Han Minhyun is fated to be with you."

Hugging her knees, Lee Soohyun sat down on the floor. The room she was currently stuck at was empty and had dark red walls around it. Soohyun did not dare explore further into the room. The boy stood in front of her.

Leaning against the wall, the boy folded his arms across his chest and stared at Lee Soohyun boredly. Finally, he had a chance of getting out of this place, and even if he did not like the woman in front of him, he knew that she would be useful to him. As a result, despite her connection to Han Minhyun, he spared her.