Talk about happy matters

"Are you feeling sleepy?" Han Minhyun questioned.

'When you're being like this, do you think that I would dare to fall asleep?'

"Not much, Hubby. It's just that I am tired from work," Soohyun answered softly.

"Then, tell me about what goes against those morals of yours," Han Minhyun commanded— his voice sounding domineering.

With her mind being out of excuses, Lee Soohyun— after careful consideration— answered, "Abandoning a kid when the kid needs help, cheaters, and, um, stealing?"

By Soohyun's tone, it seemed that she was unsure of her answer, and noticing how she sounded, Soohyun gave a shy smile to Han Minhyun. Soohyun went against her morals a lot of times in the past due to certain circumstances and, therefore, wasn't sure of what to exactly answer with.

"Are you confident with your answer?" Han Minhyun asked sternly.