Less than Five Percent

"Hold on. You're really honest about what you said earlier though, right? You really won't torture me like you do to your enemies or kill me?" Soohyun asked.

She recalled that he was a Villain, and if male leads could go back on their words, then it was very much possible for the villains to do that as well. She did not want to end up in a situation where it would be too late for her to apologise.

"Unlike you, I tend to have pride and won't go against my words unless you turn out to be an enemy," Minhyun said.

Nonetheless, Soohyun had heard such words multiple times in her last life and was not one to believe in someone's words that easily.

'Minnie, how much do you think I can trust Han Minhyun's words? I won't give away your identity to Minhyun if you answer me honestly.'

"You're a liar," Minnie stated, "I can't trust you."

'I'm only ten seconds away from opening my mouth and telling him the entire truth.'

Minnie groaned.