
'Minnie-ah, whenever I meet you, the first thing I'll make sure to do it strangle that neck of yours.'

Minnie gave no reply.

"Minhyun-ah, since I don't want to die or go into a coma, is it possible for me to not go through transmutation?" Soohyun questioned whilst raising one of her eyebrows.

"No, transmutation is necessary, and since we will be going to a war soon, it is better for you to transmute as fast as possible," Minhyun said.

"I think I'll be fine without transmutation. Dying later is better than dying before," Soohyun pleaded.

"If you train properly, you will not die," Minhyun countered.

"Two percent— there is only a two percent chance for me to open my eyes, and that's what you say. I am an ordinary person and not someone who gets lucky. So, therefore, Minhyun, I don't think I'll be able to take the risk," Soohyun said.