Makes me glad

"Seeing you being awake at this time makes me glad, Lee Soohyun."

Hearing the sudden voice surprised Soohyun, and turning back, Soohyun saw Han Minhyun standing there. Soohyun still did not get used to the teleportation.

"Minhyun-ah, I swear I will be getting a heart attack sooner or later if you keep appearing like this," Soohyun voiced out.

"You don't seem to be the type to die from such a trivial thing," Minhyun said.

Lee Soohyun had finished eating her noodles at this moment, and Junghyun ate his completely few minutes earlier hurriedly in order to watch his drama. Now that Soohyun was done eating, she felt sleepy. 

Lee Soohyun shrugged her shoulders and said, "You never know."

"Now that you're done eating, you have training to do," Minhyun said.

Lee Soohyun's eyes widened in shock, and letting out a yawn, she said, "At this time? Minhyun-ah, I have sleep to catch up on, and, uhm, my hand...Ah! Yes, my elbow has not healed yet."