Another man's treasure

Hwang Hyunae's sugar daddy— that was the identity Lee Soohyun recognized the male in front of her with. A smirk sat upon his face whilst he stepped forward— standing in the middle of two immobilized man.

"Jung Beomsoo," Minhyun repeated.

A smirk formed on Minhyun's face whilst he voiced out, "I expected you to be behind this, Jung Beomsoo. Finally you're coming out of that shell you're hiding in."

Stepping closer to the man, Minhyun vocalised, "You took a wrong step though. Stepping out of the shell will be extremely fatal for you."

Lee Soohyun almost let out a squeal at how charming Minhyun sounded with his deep voice. Then realizing how serious the situation was, Soohyun immediately fixed her expression and glared at Jung Beomsoo— the only way she could attack him at this moment.

A chuckle left Jung Beomsoo's mouth, and he said, "Han Minhyun, as proud as always I see."