Lost control

As both of them stepped further, the stench intensified, and the thick smell was making it hard for Lee Soohyun to breath properly. As Han Minhyun turned left, Soohyun followed after him.

Han Minhyun then stopped in front of a dungeon. Taking in a deep breath, Soohyun raised her line of sight to stare behind the cells. Lee Soohyun's eyes widened, and she stumbled. Han Minhyun placed his hand around her shoulder in order to support her.

On top of a bed, Hwang Hyunae laid down. Her hands and legs were attached on to the bed. Scratches could be seen on of Hyunae's limbs, and her mouth was secured with a tape.

Tears fell down Hyunae's eyes, and her face was pale. Hyunae's once beautiful hair was a mess, and beside Hyunae stood a man dressed in white coat, wearing a mask.

Lee Soohyun saw how the man in white coat drove his scapel through Hyunae's stomach as she shook her head. Blood flowed down it whilst the scapel was pulled out of her body.