Explain things

Lee Soohyun fell back on the bed. Although the bed wasn't as comfortable as the one in Minhyun's mansion, it was doable, and pulling the blanket on top of her, she closed her eyes.

In Soohyun's opinion, it was better to sleep through the entire time. However, the guilt and worry she felt towards Minhyun made her unable to sleep. 

A part of her wanted Minhyun to scream at her, so that she would be able to sleep without a worry. However, he was warm to her, and it was as if he clearly understood what she was feeling. Could this be because he could sense her feelings?

Thinking about Han Minhyun caused Soohyun's cheeks to redden, and heat rose up within them. Touching her cheeks, Soohyun slapped them lightly to calm them down; She found it hard to remove the wide smile, which was persisting to form.

Rolling on the bed, Soohyun mumbled, "Yah! Lee Soohyun, why are you acting like some teenager who had her crush notice him? You're way past that age."