Doesn't turn the best

The scratches on Soohyun's face had healed really fast considering that it has not even been a day, and only light marks remained upon her face that was gradually fading. 

Entering into the Moon Mansion, Soohyun stared at the surroundings. This was her second time being in this mansion, and her first time here was quite eventful.

Staring around the mansion, she realized that the damages from that day was fixed, which did not surprise Soohyun. After all, when money is involved, such things are possible.

Standing in front of her was Moon Jimin's parents— Moon Seungmin and Moon Ahyoung— and Jimin herself. All of them had a polite smile upon their face whilst they bowed towards him.

Soohyun found it funny how three of them were treating him with respect and was docile towards him despite him being the one responsible for their current problems.