Too cute to be real

Min Hyesook nervously paced around the room whilst biting her lips. Whilst holding her phone against the chest, she hoped for nothing to go wrong.

Hearinh the knocks on her door, Hyesook immediately rushed towards it, and turning the knob, she immediately opened the door.

Apprehension could easily be seen upon her face whilst her heart beat rapidly within her chest. A man wearing a hood stood in front of her, and the hood covered most part of his face.

Nevertheless, judging by how he appeared and the wrinkles on his face, he seemed to be around mid forties, and a grim look sat on his face whilst he had his hands tucked into the pocket of his jacket.

Looking behind him, Hyesook made sure that no one was following behind him before gripping his arm tightly and pulling him in. 

After she had successfully managed to pull him in, she abruptly shut the door close behind her and locked the door properly. Others can not find out that he was in her room.