Watch out, Ugly Lady

Stepping into the dark corridors, Lee Soohyun decided to try attic first. Secrets were hidden in the attics, and although attic could be frightening, it was her excitement which kept her going.

Walking over to the door, she turned the knob and pulled open the door. Seeing that the door was not locked made a small smile appear upon her face.

Entering in, she noticed how dusty and dark it was insides, and began to laugh. Unable to locate anything in the dark room, Soohyun moved her hand around the wall, trying to find the switch to the light.

When she found a switch, she clicked on it, and seeing the room in front of her dimly lit, an astonished expression sat on her face.

Within the attic was a small bookshelf, and books lied on top of that bookshelf. Some of the books had its cover tattered whilst a couple of them had fallen off of the bookshelf, lying on top of the ground.