First time doing so

As she was eating the dinner, Soohyun found herself raising her line of sight and staring at Kim Junghyun. Seeing him being in his original state was still very much new to her.

There was barely any cuteness to him, and as much as Soohyun wanted to strike up a conversation, she knew that it would be too humiliating to do so after she was the one who turned her back on him back then.

Just because Soohyun did not care about her pride at times does not mean that she like to have it wounded.

Turning her head to look towards Yejoon, she decided to distract her eyes from Kim Junghyun and questioned, "Did anything fun happen at the Underworld?"

Placing in the kimchi inside his mouth, Yejoon shook his head and vocalized, "I did not get to meet my admirers due to how busy it was today. There were lots of things that needed my attention."

Hwang Yejoon let out a sigh.

"Aigoo! Judging from your expression, that seems hard," Soohyun stated.