Playing therapist

Shrugging his shoulders, Minhyun answered, "I just felt like doing so."

Soohyun scoffed and said, "You have ruined the atmosphere, and I forgot about what I was supposed to say. Damn! After all that effort I put in to that, it is gone to waste."

Han Minhyun chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I understand what you're trying to mean. What have caused you to become this warm all of a sudden?"

"That's not that point here. Now that I have gotten you to understand my point, I want you to start ranting out about your day to me. It might feel strange, awkward, and uncomfortable to you, but we can take baby steps," Soohyun vocalised.

"What's with you playing therapist all of a sudden? Are you feeling pity for me?" Minhyun questioned as an amused expression crossed his eyes.