Upsetting this beautiful lady

"It is finally tomorrow. Isn't it?" Moon Ahyoung questioned as a sigh left her mouth. 

Moon Seungmin and Ahyoung were both seated upon the couch, and a frown settled on both of their faces.

"I just hope we made a good choice with deciding to give away that book to Han Minhyun," Seungmin voiced out— his voice showing how unsure he was of his decision.

With the book, he wanted to throw in the net widely and catch a lot of fish. After that, he wanted to carefully choose the best fish out of all.

However, considering how Han Minhyun threatened them into making a decision, Seungmin did not have enough time to choose the best fish, and therefore, he had to hastily decide upon which seemed to the best on him.

"As long as our business is doing well, I don't think we have anything to worry about. We do not have anything to do with that World of theirs, and whatever we are doing now is just simple business.