Not a loser

After reading those words from Minhyun's mouth, Soohyun found herself feeling more pressurized. Whatever that controlled her body in that instant could possibly kill Minhyun yet he was staring at her with hopeful eyes.

She took in a deep breath and concentrated on removing her nails— which were extended to form claws— from Minhyun's throat. Soohyun put all the energy she could muster into that.

By now, Soohyun could control her face muscles, and she learned that the things she could control here were the ones she had say over in her actual body.

Biting her lips, she tried her best to move her claws slightly, and that is when a sharp pain went through her lips as if something pointy was inserted into it.

Blood flowed down her lips, and that caused her eyes to widen. Could it be that her teeth elongated to form fangs? This could give a perfect explanation for it.