Sadistic Jerk

It took Lee Soohyun couple of seconds to process what Minnie had just uttered, and she blinked her eyes multiple times to let that settle in. Irritation rose within Soohyun at the news, and she gripped her fist tightly.

Frustration rose within her, and while taking in a deep breath, Soohyun attempted to control her temper. It would not be a pretty sight for her to lose it at this moment.

'So, you are telling me about all these topping, you meant about me biting Minhyun while lying on top of him? Yah! Minnie! I swear that the moment you will be showing yourself to me, I will be punching until I am satisfied. You better hide, You Bastard!'

"Hold up! Should not you be happy about completing your first mission? Why are you overreacting?" Minnie questioned— her voice showing the confusion.