So unfriendly!

Although Kim Junghyun was resolute to avoid this drinking party, he had no idea on how he was finally convinced to be a part of it. 

Kim Junghyun, Lee Soohyun, and Hwang Yejoon was seated on the ground, and in front of them was a table which had the glasses and beer bottles on top of it.

"Should we invite Minhyun Hyung? After all—"

Before Hwang Yejoon could continue, both Soohyun and Junghyun simultaneously exclaimed, "No!"

Someone Junghyun wanted to avoid more than Soohyun was Han Minhyun. After he had discovered him almost kissing Soohyun, things had been going awkward between the two, and they barely held a conversation.

"Such a strong rejection! Wow!" Yejoon mumbled.

"Are you actually trying to ruin the entire thing by inviting him? I am sure our drinks will be limited once he is here. He will basically put a curfew on us," Soohyun vocalised.

Junghyun nodded.