Aren't you dying?

After Soohyun was pushed the sliding door before her, she watched as Minhyun entered in through the main door of the room. Closing the sliding door behind her, she ran towards Minhyun.

She exclaimed, "You are finally back!"

A wide grin sat on Soohyun's face. From earlier, she was waiting for Minhyun to return to the room, so that she could get to learn about his secrets.

He had given his word earlier on how he will be letting her in on his secrets, and she was aware on how Minhyun was not the one to go back on his words.

"You seem excited," Minhyun said as he ran his hand through his hair and fell back on couch.

"Of course, I am," Soohyun stated, "Miyeon is awesome! She talks a lot, and it is absolutely not boring with her. We have clicked well, and I can easily get a lot of information from her."