Due to health

Closing her eyes whilst crossing her legs in front of her, Soohyun tried to mediate. Regardless of how much she tried to concentrate her mind on trying to figure out her powers, distracting her attention.

The second she decided to mediate, useless thoughts began to invade her mind, and she had no clue on how to get them out of her mind. 

Foolish thoughts of which food is better or was she missing eating warm foods began to form in her mind, and she found it difficult to drive those thoughts away from her mind.

Opening one of her eyes, Soohyun tried to see what Soobin was vocalised. A stern expression sat on his face while he stared at her.

"Concentrate," he enunciated— his tone holding strictness.

Instantly, Soohyun closed her eyes and attempted to concentrate. The only problem was that she was unsure on how to concentrate properly.