That's perfect!

Walking into Han Minhyun's laboratory, she noticed how the desk was filled with all type of chemicals. 

The temperature of the room was higher than the rest of the castle, and she decided that to be case due to various sorts of chemicals being present at here.

Creating a chemical explosion seemed like a likeable idea to Soohyun, and a strange desire to try to mix all type of chemical present at her came upon her.

Shaking her head at that, she followed behind Minhyun. He placed the kit in the hand down on the table before opening the cover to it.

A scent of blood hit her at that instant, and seeing how it was not that appetizing to her, she deduced that it belonged to one of the members of the Red Clan.

"Who is that blood from?" she questioned.

"Oh Jaeho," he answered, "I will conduct some tests on him to see what type of drug he is given."