Put a tape around your mouth

Walking through the streets of the Underworld, Soohyun looked at her either sides and tried to guess where Lee Kwangsoo was taking her to.

Han Minhyun had agreed to let Kwangsoo take Soohyun out when Kwangsoo used the words of how he will be giving Soohyun a tour around the city for that is necessary. 

With the condition that they were not allowed to create any trouble, Minhyun let the two of them go.

If truth was to be told, Soohyun was surprised at how fast Minhyun agreed to it— not that she was dissatisfied with it. 

After how she was taken to the brothel last time around, she expected for Minhyun to be more reluctant, but that did not seem to be the case. It seems that Minhyun really trusts Kwangsoo enough to let her go with him.