He has his needs

Embarrassed— that is how Lee Soohyun felt after her outburst of feelings earlier. All those people are more experienced than her when it came to such battles yet she had to go and run her mouth around to give him advice.

Not only Lee Kwangsoo, but also many people around her had heard of this, and now, she wondered about how strange they took her to be inside their mind. She really should have a better control over her mouth.

While they walked into the house, Soohyun looked at her either sides and noticed how maids worked around. Seeing how extravagantly the Purebloods lived, she learned that the higher class you belong to, the more luxury you get to enjoy usually.

She was not surprised by that though. It was normal for them to receive all these benefits, considering how stronger the Purebloods were.

"Where is she?" Kwangsoo questioned once his eyes fell on top of one of the bowing maids.