You love me?

If truth was told, Lee Soohyun was very much afraid on it, and she was even reluctant about presenting this idea to Minhyun.

But seeing how confused Minhyun was about the entire thing, those words naturally left her mouth, and she had the nagging urge to help Minhyun with the entire thing. 

She had worked as a spy many times within the company in her last life and even convinced workers to betray their company. Therefore, this was not anything new to her.

Maybe the level of danger this time around was something that was new to her, but over all, this was the same process. Soohyun was confident that at that moment, she was the best person for Minhyun to work on this.

His reluctance and worry was easily noticed by Soohyun, and that made her feel happy. Nonetheless, this raised her will to take part in this. Even if it was by the slightest, she wanted to take the burden off of Han Minhyun.