Clumsy you are

Min Jaehee bowed at Minhyun.

"Since my wife is persisting me to accompany her, I decided to stay here," Minhyun vocalised.

Those words of Han Minhyun caused Soohyun to let out a gasp, and turning her head, she stared at Minhyun with disbelief in her eyes.

When had she mentioned on such a thing? Didn't he say that he did not lie? Then what was this? He was clearly lying! Was this some kind of sadistic method to get joy?

Soohyun truly did not understand his intentions behind changing his behaviour all of a sudden, and Han Minhyun's mind was not something she was able to read.

The only emotion she could sense from him at this moment was that he was joyful. Whether or not it was sadistic was not something Soohyun could decipher.

"Minhyun-ah, you don't have to stay here. Didn't you say that you have some work to attend to? Don't leave those work just because of some silly words from me. You should prioritize your work more," Soohyun voiced out.