Hundred and seventy five percent

"How can you be so casual with this?" Soohyun stated— disapproving of his behaviour. 

Even she was close to panicking over this. Changing the future was a difficult matter yet he was this calm over it.

Shrugging his shoulders, Minhyun vocalised, "It's not like I would be able to achieve anything by worrying about this, plus I need to be cool headed when making such decisions."

"You are really mature over it, but are you not afraid? How can you not be scared of potentially losing your life?" Soohyun asked.

"Everyone dies one day, and from a young age, I am aware of how death is very much close to me. After all, I am involved in so many troubles. Eventually, I have grown to become normal towards it," he said, "Maybe dying is one way to free me from all of this responsibilities; it could be a freedom."