Bond with him

Soohyun called the server closest to them towards them, and when he stood in front of her, she flashed him a small smile.

Then, extending her hand towards the glass of drink on top of his tray, she took two glasses of that and handed one to Miyeon. While Miyeon accepted that glass of drink from her, she questioningly stared at Soohyun.

"About the other two glasses, give them to the two gentlemen standing over there. Say them it is from us," she vocalised as she subtly pointed to the two male standing there.

Hearing those words from Soohyun made Miyeon's eyes wider, and the server politely nodded at her. With a bow, he started to walk over that direction.

"Wow! Jiwoo Unnie, you are really brave and bold; I really admire you. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing if they reject us though?" Miyeon voiced out.

"Aish! Which fool will reject an invitation from two beautiful women unless they are Kim or Han Minhyun?" Soohyun vocalised.