Whose plan was it?

Inside the room was a selected Pureblood standing, and panic showed on his face as he looked at his surroundings. On all of his sides were men dressed in black clothing standing.

All of those men cornered him, and as they moved closer to the selected Pureblood, the window to that room was pushed open, causing couple of men to fly in through them.

Then, the battle between two of the opposing team began with blood shedding on the floor. The selected Pureblood fell on his knees as he was crouching below. Closing his eyes, he hugged his knees. His body visibly shivered.

Sword pierced through their chest, ending their lives, and within just merely ten minutes, many body fell down on the ground, creating a loud sound due to their fall.

The men dressed in black clothing were the last ones standing, and Minhyun's men— who flew in through the window— was completely defeated.