Doesn't that sound pleasant?

Opening her eyes, Soohyun was greeted with the bright light, causing her to close her eyes rapidly. Then, squinting her eyes open, she tried to recall what had happened.

That's when, everything hit her. She recalled on how Han Minhyun, Sungmin, and the King was discussing about that inside that room, and how she and Kwangsoo had fallen into a trap. 

She remembered about how Kwangsoo drugged her in order to make her lose her consciousness and instantly sat up on the bed.

Looking around the unfamiliar room, she noticed how the room seemed to be something up on the surface, and on a closer inspection, she noticed that this was the room she stayed with Han Minhyun in their earlier period of marriage.

Her eyes fell on the broken window only to see that it was completely fixed now, and seeing how some of her things were still inside the room, a small smile spread over her face.