Heavily monitored

Nervousness intensified within Soohyun as she stepped into the room. Behind her was Lee Kwangsoo, and his presence provided her with comfort at this moment.

Keeping on a straight face, she stared at the room before her. There were already three members who were inside the room, and they were seated on top of the chair.

The temperature here was warmer, making her feel discomfort. Nevertheless, due to her disguise, she did not feel all that bad.

Two man stood in front of those members, and walking over to her seat, Soohyun's eyes scanned those two man. Her eyes fell on their badges— AMH and JSJ.

Taking those to be their initials, she tried to read their expression. When their eyes fell on her, she felt the hair on her body rise and found herself being careful; it felt to her as if they were capable of reading her.