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Han Minhyun was seated on top of the chair while he had his legs crossed. It seemed that he was inside a luxurious bedroom, and a grim expression settled on his face.

A dark look was visible in his eyes, making it difficult for others to guess what he was thinking about, and his finger tapped on top of his thighs.

That's when, a sound was heard inside the room, and raising his head, he realized that someone was opening the lock to the room. That had no effect on his emotions.

The door in front of him was pushed open, and the King stepped inside the room. After he entered in, the door once again was locked from the behind.

It seemed that Minhyun was truly treated like a prisoner. Inside this room, he was unable to use any powers of his, leaving him completely vulnerable.

He had no clue on how long this will be lasting, and at this moment, he could only place his hopes on top of Soohyun and Kwangsoo.