Taught by Noona

"Deal, hmm, that sounds interesting. But I wonder what type of offer Miss Moon Jiwoo has for me?" he vocalised.

"It is not exactly safe for me to talk at here, so if it would not be a bother to, Sir, can we move to somewhere more secluded?" she questioned.

"Well, I do not have any kind of objection to that, but hopefully, what you have for me will be worth the hassle or else I will be making you regret it," he stated.

"Very rarely I disappoint people, so I am afraid you will not be having the pleasure to see that," she spoke out, "Since I don't know the places at here, I will be troubling you to lead me."

Before Eunwoo was able to make a response to those words of Soohyun, a particular voice caught their attention, and they instantly turned their attention towards that voice.

"Yah! Jiwoo, I finally brought it. Did you find anything?"