Desperation led to this

Watching the man approach her, a dark look instantly appeared in Soohyun's eyes while she crossed her legs. Her lips curved to form a small smirk while she stared at the middle-aged man.

Standing before her, Hyungwon's eyes glared at her while he said, "Who are you? Why have you taken my daughter!? Where is she now!?"

"Sihyeon? Is it her that you want to talk about? Well, I did not want to take her in originally, but I was desperate," she voiced out, "There is simply one favour you need to do for me, and then, I promise you the protection of your daughter. After all, don't you need that against Ahn Jongdae?"

Soohyun raised one of her eyebrows and waited for the man's response.

The man fell down to his knees and stated, "I will be doing anything you need, but please let go my daughter. She is really precious to me."