The mole being revealed

Those words of Minhyun succeeded in triggering the King. As a King, Kim Namhyuk did not prefer anyone going against his words.

Hearing Minhyun's words caused him to clench his jaws, and moving closer to Minhyun, he extended his hand towards him. Gripping tightly on to his collar, Namhyuk glared at the man before him.

His eyes glared down at Minhyun as he spoke out, "Such impudence! Han Minhyun, you seem to be forgetting your position! You are not even a Leader yet you dare to show such behaviour to me! You are really questioning my authority."

"Is there anything wrong with staying alive?" Minhyun questioned.

Raising one of his eyebrows, he added, "If you do not push me to death, I would not resort to rebelling against you. No one would be fool enough to give up their life without even trying to live."

A dark glint appeared in Minhyun's eyes at that, and a chill went down Namhyuk's back after those words left his mouth.