Be a petty man

This restlessness was not helping Lee Soohyun in any way, and therefore, mustering up her courage, she looked at Minhyun to settle everything. Only then will she be able to rest properly.

"Han Minhyun, I have something to talk to you about. Are you already asleep?" she voiced out while her eyes stared at his back.

Seeing that he was not responding, Soohyun was baffled at how he fell asleep when she barely was able to get a wink of sleep.

Feeling irritated by his attitude, she sat up on the bed and was adamant on annoying him to wake up. There was no way she was going to let him sleep when she was suffering in such a way.

Looking at his face, she noticed that his eyes were closed and was unable to decipher whether or not he was pretending to do so. 

Moving her hand closer to him, she poked on his cheek, and seeing no response from him only fuelled up her determination to irritate him further.