Worthy opponent

"Oh Jaeho," Han Minhyun enunciated.

Oh Jaeho let out a chuckle and spoke out, "Two of you are really bright. You really managed to figure out that I was behind this, but too bad, that you have fell into a trap landed out by me."

Hearing those words, Soohyun shot a glare at Jaeho, and a cough escaped her mouth at that instant. Bringing her hand over to her mouth, she noticed that more blood came out.

Her limbs were starting to get weak by now, and her head felt slightly dizzy. Nevertheless, she put in her best effort into standing there and not collapsing down.

"What is your purpose behind doing so, Oh Jaeho?" Minhyun questioned while his eyes sharpened.

"Purpose, hmm," he spoke out, "Well, since you are that bright, Minhyun, I am sure you have the idea on what it is. I don't want to bother with such trivial matters. Any last words before you leave the world?"