Extra: Wedding

The door to the room was opened, and seeing the scene in the room before him, Han Minhyun's eyes widened due to surprise.

Staring at Lee Soohyun, he questioned, "What are you wearing?"

A simplistic black dress was worn by Lee Soohyun, and she had her long hair tied into a ponytail.

Staring at herself from top to bottom, she spoke out, "Oh! You mean this? Well, that white dress was not my style. That dress was too troublesome, sparkly, and long; I would have tripped and broken my nose if I had worn that dress. I don't even know how those brides manage those dresses. I really applaud at them."

Letting out a sigh, Han Minhyun shook his head and voiced out, "We are getting wed, not attending some funeral, Lee Soohyun!"

"Since when did you start to care about what I wear? I am pretty sure there is nothing wrong with being dressed up like this," she said, folding her arms across her chest.