Live foolishly

Opening her passport, Ryu Yoonmi closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before mumbling, "Yoonmi-ah, it can't be anything as crazy as what you have been imagining."

Slowly, Yoonmi opened one of her eyes and looked at the passport. Her eyes fell on the photo first, and seeing how it resembled her current face, she could see that it was her passport.

Then, she looked at the name, and it was same as hers— Ryu Yoonmi. That's when, her attention fell upon the date of birth, and due to shock, both of her eyes widened.

Blinking her eyes multiple times, she rubbed both of her eyes with her fist before reading, "May 19, 2000?"

She started to laugh after reading that, and tears began to form at the corner of her eyes. Baffled on how to react to this situation, suddenly, she had the urge to cry.

"This is a seriously bad joke! Is there supposed to be a camera around here? Is this a prank?" she vocalised, "I was clearly born a decade earlier than that!"