For mistake

Yoonmi constantly rung the bell to his house. She was aware of how Eunwoo knew that she was here and was probably watching her through the monitor. 

That's why, she constantly kept on doing it, hoping that he would be annoyed at one point to open it.

She climbed up his gate, ending up with some scratches, and now getting past this door of his was a big trouble to her. 

Irritated that he was not responding, she lifted her leg and started to kick on it with all of her might. She was determined to get the male to open his door right then.

"Yah! Min Eunwoo! Open up the door! Do you want to die? Min Eunwoo! You bastard!" she shouted, "I have seen how beautifully you had arranged those tables. It would be pity if all of them fell into the pool, right? You don't think that I dare—"

Before she was able to continue further, the door in front of her was opened, and a grim look sat on Eunwoo's face while he peeped out.