Sprained ankle

 A mouthful of water escaped from her mouth as she stood up, and Ryu Yoonmi ran her hand through her wet hair. It seemed that the scene did not go as perfectly as she imagined it to be and ended up being quite embarrassing.

Beside her was Jihae. Seeing how the girl was still down, she helped her up, and Yoonmi flashed the girl an apologetic smile although this wasn't her fault to begin with.

She noticed how the crowd gathered around them. Luckily, her clothing was thick enough to conceal everything and did not give off much. But it couldn't be said the same for Jihae.

Her white shirt had gone to become translucent due to the water, and her undergarments could be highlighted. Yoonmi noticed how some people turned their attention towards that.

Noticing that, Jihae instantly crossed her arms over her chest as she bent down to sink herself in the water. The embarrassment caused her cheeks to flush red.